; This is the English language user interface file
SplashForm.LabelDriveScanTitle.Caption = Scanning local system for connected disk drives...
MainForm.BottomButtonBack.Caption = < &Back
MainForm.BottomButtonNext.Caption = &Next >
MainForm.BottomButtonHelp.Caption = &Help
MainForm.BottomButtonClose.Caption = &Close
MainForm.BottomButtonMenu.Caption = &Menu...
MainForm.WelcomeTopLabel.Caption = Welcome
MainForm.WelcomeVersionLabel.Caption = Version:
MainForm.WelcomeSupportLabel.Caption = Support:
MainForm.WelcomeHomepageLabel.Caption = Homepage:
MainForm.WelcomeLabel1.Caption = This wizard will help you to recover your lost document files and data from all types of media. The software supports recovery after an accidental deletion, a power spike, a virus attack, formatting or corrupting media, a hardware malfunction or for some other reason.
MainForm.WelcomeLabel2.Caption = Program will analyze every sector of your data storage device (Hard Drive, USB Disk or Flash Memory) in order to find deleted and lost files. The program "knows" the internal file format so it can automatically recognize a file by looking at the disembodied data on your drive. When the program locates a recognized data sequence, it starts the RECOVERY process and reconstructs the file on another disk drive sector by sector with the maximal possible integrity.
MainForm.WelcomeNextLabel.Caption = Click Next to continue...
MainForm.ActivationTopLabel.Caption = Program registration
MainForm.ActivationTrialLabel2.Caption = The unregistred copy only previews retrievable information for the selected file types.
MainForm.ActivationTrialLabel3.Caption = Click here to purchase a license and remove this limitation.
MainForm.ActivationRegSNLabel.Caption = Serial number:
MainForm.ActivationNextLabel.Caption = Click Next to continue...
MainForm.ActivationRegLabel1.Caption = If you already registered user:
MainForm.ActivationRegLabel2.Caption = Thank you for choice of our software and we hope that it will provide everything you need. If you will have any questions or suggestions, please contact us using online form here:
MainForm.ActivationLongLabel.Caption = Activation key (press Ctrl+V to paste key from email):
MainForm.ModeNextLabel.Caption = Click Next to continue...
MainForm.ModeLabelType.Caption = Select what the program should do:
MainForm.ModeCorruptedLabel.Caption = Files invisible to the file system will be included in the search. Every cluster will be checked, therefore the scan will be slower.
MainForm.ModeDeletedLabel.Caption = The program will look for deleted files in the free drive space only. Only the free clusters will be checked, therefore it is relatively fast.
MainForm.ModeTopLabel.Caption = Step 3 of 9: Choose sector-by-sector scan mode
MainForm.ModeDeletedRadioButton.Caption = Scan free drive space only
MainForm.AutopilotFolderLabel1.Caption = The target folder where the recovered files will be saved:
MainForm.AutopilotLabel1.Caption = Auto-pilot:
MainForm.AutopilotLabel2.Caption = (available only in the registered version)
MainForm.AutopilotFolderLabel2.Caption = Never try to save recovered files to the same logical disk where they were located before or you may face unpredictable results and lose all your data!
MainForm.AutopilotTopLabel.Caption = Step 4 of 9: Let the computer do all the work for you!
MainForm.AutopilotNextLabel.Caption = Click Next to continue...
MainForm.AutopilotCheckBox.Caption = Automatically recovers every file it finds to the specified target location. You do not have to sit in front of the computer and wait while the entire drive is scanned. Use carefully - you should have enough free space on the target drive!
MainForm.AutopilotKeepFolderStructureCheckBox.Caption = Keep the folder structure
MainForm.PreviewFileSystemLabel1.Caption = Found files:
MainForm.PreviewFileSystemLabel2.Caption = If you can't see the file(s) you are looking for, click the Next button to carry out the deep scan. The program will scan each of the sectors on your drive (it may take a lot of time).
MainForm.FinishLabelTrial1.Caption = This is unregistered copy, please purchase license for actual file recovery.
MainForm.FinishFeedbackLabel.Caption = We make great efforts in our work and we'd really like to know your preferences and opinion. Please feel free to leave your comment!
MainForm.FinishLabelTrial2.Caption = Click here to purchase license.
MainForm.FinishTopLabel.Caption = Step 9 of 9: Recovery finished
MainForm.FinishNewLabel.Caption = If you have not found the file you are looking for, try searching another drive.
MainForm.FinishFoundLabel.Caption = Files found:
MainForm.FinishExploreLabel.Caption = Open Windows Explorer to view the recovered files.
AdvancedParamsForm.LanguageNoteLabel.Caption = NOTE: After you have changed the interface language, the program must be restarted.
AdvancedParamsForm.LanguageReadHelpLabel.Caption = Please press F1 to get more information about the localization of your program copy.
ExpiredForm.Caption = License Key Expired
ExpiredForm.InfoLabel.Caption = Sorry, your license key has been expired. Activation code that you use was time limited and now time is ended. As a previously registered customer you are eligible for purchasing new license with considerable discount.
ExpiredForm.SupportLabel.Caption = If you have questions or need additional information, please click here to contact support@objectrescue.com.
ExpiredForm.ButtonContinue.Caption = Continue in Demo Mode
ExpiredForm.ButtonPurchase.Caption = Purchase Full Version
RecoverForm.Caption = Recover
RecoverForm.DestinationLabel.Caption = Folder where the recovered files will be saved:
RecoverForm.DestinationNoteLabel.Caption = Attention: Never try to save recovered files on the same logical disk where they have been located, or you may obtain unpredictable results and lose all your data!
FormatPropForm.OptionsDefaultFileSizeNoteLabel.Caption = Set MAX file size for this format. We need to know because some formats don't store their length internally.
FormatPropForm.OptionsPrefixLabel.Caption = Recovered name prefix:
FormatPropForm.OptionsPrefixNoteLabel.Caption = For example, for JPEG pictures enter 'image' and recovered file names will be named 'image_1.jpg', 'image_2.jpg', etc.
FormatPropForm.OptionsOrderNoteLabel.Caption = Order of this type in scan process. Set 0 for maximal and 100 for minimal priority.
ProbableFileSizeForm.LabelFileInfo.Caption = Information about the file found:
ProbableFileSizeForm.LabelTop.Caption = The file of the '%s' type is found, but its attributes such as name, parent folder, size, security settings, etc. are lost. We tried to determine its size by its content, but did not succeed. We don't know the exact size of this particular file.
ProbableFileSizeForm.LabelNewProbableNote.Caption = Some file types can be of any size: from one kilobyte and up to several gigabytes (for example AVI video, etc.)...
ProbableFileSizeForm.UseForRadioButtonThisFileOnly.Caption = This file only
ProbableFileSizeForm.UseForRadioButtonAllFilesInSession.Caption = All files of this type in the current recovery session
ProbableFileSizeForm.UseForRadioButtonAllFilesAllSessions.Caption = All files of this type for the current and future recovery sessions
ProbableFileSizeForm.DontAskCheckBox.Caption = Don't ask me again, just use the default probable file size for all file types
AboutForm.LabelLicensedTo.Caption = Licensed to:
AboutForm.LabelProtected.Caption = This program is protected by copyright law and international agreements.
AboutForm.LabelVersion.Caption = Version:
AboutForm.LabelQuantity.Caption = Quantity:
AboutForm.LabelBeforeWeb.Caption = Web:
AboutForm.LabelBeforeSupport.Caption = Support:
AboutForm.ButtonOK.Caption = OK
AboutForm.ButtonOrder.Caption = Order Now
AboutForm.ButtonHelp.Caption = Help
AboutForm.ButtonEnterCode.Caption = Enter Code...
SignForm.Caption = Entering a registration key
SignForm.Label1.Caption = Please, enter a registration key:
SignForm.Label2.Caption = Hint: Press Ctrl+V to paste registration key from clipboard.
SignForm.OkButton.Caption = &OK
SignForm.CancelButton.Caption = &Cancel
SignForm.HelpButton.Caption = &Help
RecoveryFileExistsForm.Caption = [%s] File Exists
RecoveryFileExistsForm.FilenameLabel.Caption = File "%s" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
RecoveryFileExistsForm.RenameNoteLabel.Caption = A number will be added to the original file name when such a name already exists in the destination folder. For example, "filename.ext" will be renamed to "filename_1.ext", "filename_2.ext", etc.
RecoveryFileExistsForm.NoToAllButton.Caption = No &to all
RecoveryFileExistsForm.OkButton.Caption = &OK
RecoveryFileExistsForm.YesButton.Caption = &Yes
RecoveryFileExistsForm.YesToAllButton.Caption = Yes to &all
strRecoveringFileFromTo = Recovering file: %s (from %s to %s)
strFileFound = File found: %s
strResetSizeConfirmation = Do you really want to reset the size of all selected files to 'Unknown'? During the recovery process you'll be asked to enter a new size for each file.
strNoFilesRestored1 = You haven't restored any of the files. Please make sure that you have marked all required files and pressed the "Recover" button in the current dialogue before you move on to the next step of the recovery process. Do you want to move on to the next step?
strNoFilesRestored2 = You haven't restored any of the files. Please make sure that you have marked all required files and pressed the "Recover" button in the current dialogue. Do you want to move on to the next step?
strNoAdminPriviledgesError = Administrator access necessary. Please run the program using an administrator's account on your computer.